Scripture Readings for Trinity Sunday
Genesis 1:1-2:4a, Psalm 8, II Corinthians 13:11-13, Matthew 28:16-20
The Trinity is the most foundational of all Christian doctrines. Without the Trinity so many of our important beliefs make no sense. Yet the Trinity itself is a concept that makes no logical sense. We use all kinds of illustrations to try to help ourselves get it. They all fall short because on a logical level the Trinity is a confusing contridiction: The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. The Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Father, the Father is not the Spirit, etc...
Where logic fails, we are left with mystery. I don't think it is a cop out to say that things that are not explained logically are simply mystery. That is not a dismisall. It is an admission that logic falls short of being able to explain all.
There is a line in the song, "Befriended" by Matt Redman that says, "Invited, invited deep into this mystery." Logic can take us so far. Cutting edge science might even be able to take us further into explaining apparent paradoxes. But we are invited deeper into the mystery of the life of the Triune God.
So let's focus on this invitiation that begins with this statement: God is love. Theologian John R. Franke says, "From all eternity God has been involved in giving, receiving and sharing in a fellowship of love as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit." Think of the ways in which God seeks to bring us into this fellowship of love as you read the verses of the song, "Befriended" by Matt Redman.
Verse 1
Befriended, befriended
By the King above all kings
Surrendered, surrendered
To the Friend above all friends
Here I think of the Father, Lord God, creator of the universe. His act of creation was an act of sharing love. He created us to be in communion (friendship if you will) with Him.
Verse 2
Invited, invited
Deep into this mystery
Delighted, delighted
By the wonders I have seen
Here I think of the work of the Holy Spirit by which we experience the fellowship of God's love which is truly a wonder and delight.
Verse 3
Astounded, astounded
That Your gospel beckoned me
Surrounded, surrounded
But I've never been so free
Here I think of the work of the Son. As I am brought into the life and love of God through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, I am truly astounded that I see this love perfectly lived out only by one man as I read the pages of the gospel. I also think about the discipline (not legalism) of the narrow road that is the only path to true freedom.
Verse 4
Determined, determined
Now to live this life for You
You're so worthy
My greatest gift would be
The least You're due
This is my response as I am brought into the mystery of God. It is not a "grin and bear it" works mentality. It is the gift of God's very love and grace establishing an inner confidence and fortitude to love and serve God. God brings us in, so we can bring others into this amazing love that is only found in God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Even the gifts that God gives us and ignites through the Holy Spirit are simply manifestations of His grace at work in our lives. The only gift I have to offer back to God is what He has first given me. As I give back to God with a thankful heart, somehow the circle of God's love is expanded. The Triune God (Tri-Unity) reaches out and continues to enlarge the COMMUNITY of God's love. It is truly amazing that we are invited into this mystery!
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